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The Army Nurse Corps offers endless opportunities for cadets looking to become nurses. Being a nursing cadet allows for unique experiences and leadership challenges. Along with the core nursing classes, cadets are fully involved in the ROTC curriculum. Our program offers, but does not require, nursing cadets the opportunity to take their junior level Military Science class as a sophomore to allow for more focused time on junior year nursing classes and clinical. After their junior year, nursing cadets can attend NSTP* (Nurse Summer Training Program) where they train as an Army Nurse in a variety of locations ranging from Washington, to DC, to Landstuhl, Germany! Our cadets graduate and commission not only as highly skilled, empathetic, and prepared nurses, but competent and confident Army Officers as well. Click here for more information about becoming an Army Nurse! 


*see below for more information about NSTP



Army ROTC offers national, merit-based scholarships to eligible high school students. Any students interested in nursing can apply through this national scholarship pathway. These scholarships include either full tuition or full room and board. Once contracted, scholarship cadets also received a monthly stipend of $420, a semesterly book allowance of $600, and nurses receive a one-time clinical reimbursement payment of $650 to cover a stethoscope, scrubs, and additional clinical equipment. Please see our scholarship tab for more detailed information on scholarship requirements and the application process. For more information about nursing specific scholarships, visit the Army ROTC page, linked here



The Nurse Summer Training Program is a 28 day training opportunity for Army Nurse Cadets to engage in their nursing skills and develop their  Army Leadership. Cadets are given the opportunity to works alongside an Army Nurse and gain hands-on experience in the ER, Labor and Delivery Unit, OR, Pediatrics Unit, Medical-Surgical Unit, NICU, Cardiac Catheter Lab, and so much more. By working alongside Army Nurses, our cadets are able to see what life is like in the Nurse Corps while learning and practicing essential nursing skills. Learn how to place IVs, work in phlebotomy, do patient assessments, administer medications, and more! 



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